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YAMAMOTO Kampo Viltures

YAMAMOTO Kampo Viltures

Regular price €47,00 EUR
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YAMAMOTO Kampo Viltures Urocholum for kidney health, a natural preparation of herbal plant extracts, helps with urinary tract diseases. Helps eliminate renal colic, remove sand and stones from the kidneys, gallbladder and bladder.

Contains a mixture of herbal extracts of urocholum, loosestrife, mallotus and bear willow.

The main component of the drug urocholum is an extract of willow oak (Quercus salicina). This evergreen tree has long been used in Japan to treat urolithiasis as a folk remedy. Facilitates the passage of stones from the kidneys, has a wide range of therapeutic properties, is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, urinary system, has proven itself well in the composition of the complex treatment of pathologies of the biliary tract.

The substances included in Urocholum stimulate blood circulation in the tissues of the kidneys and liver, have choleretic activity, have a bactericidal effect and improve the tone of the muscles of the gallbladder. And by stimulating the excretion of uric acid, they help remove sand from the kidneys.

The main effects of the drug:

Elimination of renal colic
Urolithiasis, with the formation of calcium-oxalate stones.
Relief of renal inflammation (nephritis)
Painless destruction and removal of stones from the kidneys and urethra, preventing their further formation
Acceleration of urination.
Composition: Quercus salicina extract, Berchemia racemosa powder, Mallotus japonicus extract, lactose, cellulose, Glechoma hederacea powder, calcium stearate.

Take 9 tablets one hour before meals.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the product, pregnancy, lactation.

It is not a medicinal product; before use, you must consult a specialist.

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